Certainly, you are looking options to grow plants at your home at indoor places and looking for soil options and tips for the best growth for your plants? Coco Peat is an option of which you have been hearing recently and want to learn more? Then you have come to the right place.
We will explain what actually coco peat offers and how it is used for your indoor plantation needs.Coco peat is a widely used soil alternative which is gaining popularity for plantation and is being used all around the world.
Coco Peat is made from the outer part of the coconut husk fibre. It is a bi-product from the waste of the coconut and is considered as 100% organic and eco-friendly product. It is light in weight with a spongy texture. It provides water retention, proper drainage of water usage to keep the soil moist and is used as a growing medium. It helps in providing soil prosperity and prevents the soil weight which contributes to healthy roots and growth.
Coco peat is also considered as an in expensive option for home plant growers looking to spend efficiently and save money. Coco Peat can help in growing fruits, vegetables and flowers. If you are on a tight budget the coco peat is a good alternative.
It is considered as the best DIY (do it yourself) alternate that won’t be costing you a fortune in perusing your hobby. For indoor use of plants, coco peat is also highly rated because it doesn’t have any adverse harmful effects on the surroundings which may protect your family and neighbors. That is also another reason it is considered eco-friendly.
Understanding the right Coco peat for your use
Considering the right type is essential for the plant growth. With slight difference in their characteristics, its important to choose what is right for your house plant. While choosing some factors may include the different types available, water retention, nutrients content, sustainability or maybe some initial testing.
Getting the right fit is essential and may result in achieving amazing growth and getting strong healthy plants. A high-quality coco peat will always be free from fungal and bacterial growth so its important to consider buying from a trusted source.
How to Use and Prepare
Using Coco peat for indoor plants its not difficult. Due to it easy application it is being widely used all around.
- For lose Coco Peat:It is considered as a ready to used coco peat available in bags. The direction is to take acceptable amount of and put in your plant container or pot and then transfer your plant and keep watering.
- Coco Bricks: Coco bricks are easier to transport that is why they are dehydrated and packed into a shape. To use the bricks, it is advised to take a container with size 5-6 times bigger than the brick and starting pouring warm water around 1 gallon for a 1kg brick. Then it is advised to let it soak and wait for another 15-25minutes. Fluff it once it is absorbed to develop consistency. It is suggested to make changes as per your requirements. You are done once is moist and fluffy. Hydrated cocopeat can be kept for as long as 3 to 4 years.
- Adding Nutrients to your plants: Once of the important steps in gardening is to add nutrients as per the requirements so the best balance is achieved for growth and strength. Nutrients such as Calcium, Nitrogen, Magnesium, Phosphorous and Potassium are used depending on the plant’s nature and requirement. Each of the nutrients has their own characteristics like providing protein protection, healthy cell structures and help build/rebuild the structure. It is recommended to use these nutrients to the best of their ratio to get the best effective results.
- Mixing with other seeds: Coco Peat can be mixed with other seeds to. To customize start by mixing coco peat with your other preferred ingredients. It is recommended to moist the mix before your seed plantation.
It maintains the soil looseness. It provides adequate plant root development with air flow. The soil water drainage helps plant prevent from getting soaked & drenched. In addition to the drainage is possesses water drainage characteristics and can hold up to 8 times more water then usage of a regular soil. You don’t require to water your parts daily. Due to its water retention capability, it holds the water and keep moisture for a long time. It helps solid decompose with use of carbon.
Coco Peat on the other hand promotes rapid growth for development and provide microorganism development which is essential part of the growth. Other benefits also include being anti-fungal and allow deep penetration to the roots. Coco peat helps in reduces the risk of plant diseases. Coco Peat also has a PH Value which is suitable for plant growth.
It gives enough amount of nutrients the plants need which can be adjusted through proper monitoring. The strong roots and healthy growth results in giving high increase yield.The numerous numbers of benefits are making coco peat popular among the gardeners and making it their first choice accompanying by being a renewable and sustainable alternate.
Tips of to follow when using Coco Peat:
- Make sure coco peat you are using is completely dry before use. Damp Coco Peat can cause your plants root to rot.
- As the nature of coco peat is dusty, it is recommended to wear a mask for safe handling.
- Coco peat can be mixed with other materials to make the perfect combination, so make sure you have done a thorough research and know what suits best for the plant you are looking to grow.
- As its fluffy and dusty in nature, there are chances in can be blow away with winds, so make sure you are careful and handling in a suitable environment.
Contact Earth Scape who are a leading coco peat exporters in Sri Lanka to order coco peat.